The Covid Recovery Initiative

Recovering from COVID- 19 can be a lonely, uncertain, and confronting time. Only recently you were able to work, see friends and spend time with your family. There is so much info around just surviving COVID-19 but not many people are thinking about what to do post COVID-19 and how to recover.

    1. Day 0 - About Us

    2. Day 1A - What is Post-Viral Fatigue

    3. Day 1B - The Vicious Cycle

    4. Day 1C - Pacing

    5. Day 1D - Validation

    6. Day 2A - What is Boom & Bust

    7. Day 2B - Finding Boom & Bust

    8. Day 2C - Analysing an Activity Diary

    9. Day 2D - Recharging

    10. Day 3A - Forward Planning

    11. Day 3B - Forward Planning

    12. Day 3C - Acceptance

    13. Day 4A - Coping With The Basics

    14. Day 4B - Symptoms Explained

    15. Day 4C - What Else

    16. Day 5A - Fatigue Explained

    17. Day 5B - Fatigue Friendly Foods with Luke

    18. Day 6A - Your needs, have to's & wants

    19. Day 6B - What is POTS

    20. Day 6C - How is POTS Diagnosed

    21. Day 7A - Triggers

    22. Day 7B - POTS Management

    23. Day 8A - Week 1 Check In

    24. Day 8B - POTS Trigger Management

    25. Day 8C - General Healthy Eating with Luke

    1. Day 9A - Exercise Baseline

    2. Day 9B - Understanding SOB

    3. Day 10A - Setback Planning

    4. Day 10B - Your Hormones & Cycle

    5. Day 11A - Progression Of Exercise

    6. Day 11B - Right Amount Of SOB

    7. Day 11C - Hydration with Luke

    8. Day 12A - Sleep

    9. Day 12B - Managing SOB

    10. Day 13A - Getting Back Into Life

    11. Day 13B - Life Pie

    12. Day 14A - Check In Day, Week 2

    13. Day 14B - Fruit Tree

    1. Day 15A - Socialising

    2. Day 15B - Gut and Immune Boosting Foods with Luke

    3. Day 16A - Managing Work & Study

    4. Day 16B - Stress & Anxiety

    5. Day 17A - Juggling It All

    6. Day 17B - Managing Controllables & Uncontrollables

    7. Day 18A - Support Systems

    8. Day 18B - When To See A Dietitian with Luke

    9. Day 19 - Boundaries & Asking For Help

    10. Day 20A - Reflection

    11. Day 20B - Intensity Baseline

    12. Day 21A - Check In Point Week 3!

    13. Day 21B - Do's and Don'ts

    1. Day 22A - Socialising Check In Point

    2. Day 22B - Life Pie Check In

    3. Day 23 - Acceptance

    4. Day 24A - Dropped the Ball

    5. Day 24B - Symptom Mapping

    6. Day 25A - Living Life Differently

    7. Day 25B - Loss

    8. Day 26A - Staying Connected

    9. Day 26B - Intensity Progression

    10. Day 27 - What Are My Goals From Here

    11. Day 28 - Long Term Needs

    12. Day 29 - Graduation

About this course

  • $285.00
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Education & Understanding
  • Accountability & Support
  • Guidance & Expansion

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