What to expect in the AHC Program

The AHC program is an online video-based program created to help you better manage living with a chronic invisible illness. We pride ourselves on being able to connect dots for our patients in their invisible illness journey, this is where you will start. Then you will work your way through the foundations, the pillars, the upgrades and the beyond. The AHC program aims to give you a better understanding of your chronic invisible illness, so that you can better manage your symptoms and ideally get you back into the things you love the most.

    1. How to use this Thinkific

    2. About the Program

    3. AHC Roadmap

    4. Meet Nathan

    5. Meet Raeya

    6. AHC Connection

    1. Understanding your diagnosis & symptom profile

    1. Pacing, Energy & Capacity Management

    2. What Does Pacing Look Like?

    3. How to use an Activity Diary

    4. Managing Fatigue

    5. Managing Pain

    6. Managing Orthostatic Intolerance

    1. Trigger Management & Traffic Lights

    2. Understanding the Autonomic Nervous System

    3. Sleep Management

    4. Movement & Activity Guidelines

    5. Exercise Record (optional)

    6. Stress & Anxiety Management

    1. Setback Management

    2. Desensitisation Strategies

    3. Symptom Mapping

    4. Connection & Interoception

    5. Capacity Building

    1. Goal Setting & Getting Back Into Life

    2. Connection, Hobbies & Cup Filling

    3. What Next?

    4. AHC Connection

About this course

  • $285.00
  • Education & Understanding
  • Accountability & Support
  • Guidance & Support

Are you ready to put your health first?

We're here to help guide you on your journey